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Last Field Trip Of 2024 School Year

The last Field Trip of the school trip and last for year 5 (年長).

Everyone had fun 😊 and a good time.

But at Little Lorikeets it's not the end but a continuation as year 5 moves on to our After-school program and will still get to meet and play with their friends, in English.

Farewell Field Trip

Today was one of the final events for our school year.

Today was the year 5, 4 and 3 farewell picnic.

We went to the Kawanishi city dragon park and had lots of fun. Playing zombie tag, having a rice ball picnic. It was pretty frosty 🥶 today but the kids got warmed up running.

Heading To Park 3

Heading to the pick up location and our 3rd Park for the day.

Though we couldn't get into the zoo this year we still enjoyed ourselves.

The school year is almost over, only a few more field trips left for year 5 #年長 

#池田市 #遠足 #幼稚園

Picnic Time

We had our riceball picnic, and while everyone was finishing up the students ran around a bit.

Then we went to Park 2 of 3.

It's a pretty cool park designed as a Ninja castle.

We were really impressed how the veteran students have grown and developed since last year.

They are able to use the flying fox without the teachers help.

#遠足 #五月山公園 #池田市 

Park 1 Out Of 3

Field Trip 

We got to play in 3 parks today..

The 1st was in the picnic area beside the zoo.

Year 5 (#年長 ) went on an adventure with teacher, while the rest waited.

When they came back they had brought back some pinecones to share with everyone.

So cute.

#遠足 #池田市