Socialisation, and interesting topic that some parents #保護者 think about.
In a small school they worry there's not enough socialising ..
But actuality there is maybe more..
1st the socialisation in Little Lorikeets in English. The students are able to communicate and be social here.
But then they get to go and be social in Japanese at the park after school.
In away it's better because they get to make friends with new children not only those friends they know from #幼稚園 which most likely will be the case in a big japanese kindergartens they will all go to the same park after school and hang out with the same friends.
There is also one more aspect that new parents do not know.
Some say to us but when they graduate and go to elementary school they won't have many friends.
Well this is the thing, when they leave a normal Japanese kindergartens and go to primary school it is most likely they won't go to the same elementary school anyway, and if they do the chances of being in the same class as your kindergarten friends will be slim.(actuality this is what happened to my Son, his best friend at kinder went to another #小学校 😅l
So to think logically about it at elementary school they will meet new friends anyway.
So why stunt their English development by worrying about socialisation and friends at primary school.
Because we are international the students learn to accept diversity at a young age, also because of our desire for them to be positive individuals in the future and how we educate them they grow up to make friends easily with unfamiliar people.
That is an attitude worth investing in for future success.
Proactive individuals who go out and meet new people.
#保育園 #英会話 #池田市 #川西市 #豊中市
#宝塚市 #積極的