Lorikeets kindergartenはこの結果に満足して頂いているから、ただ今キャンセル待ちです。(皆様ありがとうございます✩.*˚) 当スクール、親子レッスン☆Happy Toddlerクラスは平日(火)&(土)に実施中。たくさんの情報が手に入ります。チャンスがあるうちにぜひ掴むんでください(*Ü*) My child can't speak English.
Don't let that be you in the future. As foreign companies that speak English are moving more and more into Japan as Japanese companies do more and more business overseas in English speaking
countries, you have to give your child the best chance the can have. And where does it start you may ask me, well it starts by getting your children in to English as soon as possible and
continuing until they are proficient.
It takes time and money, so you definitely want to choose a school that has great results.
A good time to start is together at our #happytoddler Classes on Tuesday and Saturdays where everyone can get use to
Little Lorikeets having fun.
Of course for parents that are busy working but want to enter the school directly, there is a possibility but our cancellation list is getting longer so get in fast.
Feel free to contact us via email or by ringing. #親子で #親子レッスン #平日レッスン #土曜日レッスン #internationalschool #kindergarten
#インターナショナル幼稚園 #インターナショナル保育園 #池田市 #箕面市 #豊中市 #川西市 #伊丹市 #宝塚市 #バイリンガール #英語 #英会話 #littlelorikeets #little_lorikeets #japan #cam_in_jap