英語民間試験へ移行期間4年 大学入試新テスト最終案
I received an Interesting article from a colleague about the national and public Universities in Japan from 2020 will stop using the
standardized test, what they call センター試験, and start using TOEIC, Eiken 英検 etc private tests and will slowly transition by 2024 to using TOEIC, Eiken英検 etc private tests exclusively. This is a really Interesting and
exciting thing as it will mean that the obsession with testing English and getting high points will be curbed, and a respect for the ability to be able to listen and speak English will increase.
The thinking that “oh I only need to study this and get a good mark to get into University”, will slowly fade away.
So the universities want move towards a system of testing that utilizes skills such as “Reading”, “Listening”, “Speaking” and “Writing". This means that academies like Little Lorikeets will
will become increasingly more Important over the years as to really get proficient at listening and speaking you have to start young and spend a lot of time in an English environment..
I’m really glad that I created Little Lorikeets 5 years ago, as we are seeing more and more children starting to speak English proficiently if not fluently with beautiful accents and their
listening skills are incredible.
By time our students get to university level they will have no problem gaining very high levels in what ever test is required of them. I am proud of this fact and glad that I set such a high
level from the start.
英語民間試験へ移行期間4年 大学入試新テスト最終案
大学は、「読む・聞く・話す・書く」の4技能を今後評価していく傾向にあると言えます。これはつまり、Little Lorikeets のような英語スクールがこれから更に重要視され、英語をしっかり身に付けたいのであれば早い段階からスタートし、できるだけたくさんの英語に触れることが、更に大切になってくるでしょう。