
日本人にとって、“R” と “L” の音の聞き分けがなぜできないのか、ずっと疑問に思っていました。発音を何回直されても、間違ったアクセントに戻ってしまっています。
“ra” “ri” などが、“ら” “り” ...の真下に示されています。アルファベットの文字Rと、日本語の「ら行」の発音がリンクされ、Rを見たら、「ら行」の発音をするように促されてしまいます。実際は、「ら行」の音は英語圏の人にとってはLの音に近いのですが。
上の画像の“SIRO”と書かれたところを見て下さい。これも、問題点の例の一つです。“ Shi” の代わりに“Si” と習うため、名前を書く際、英語圏の人にとっては“Simon”と呼ぶところを、“Shimon” とするべきなのかと混乱してしまいます。
上の船の絵を見て下さい。その下に書かれてあるローマ字は “hune” となっています。しかし、私の耳には、日本人が言う 「ふね」の「ふ」は、“H” ではなく “F” の音に聞こえます。
私が言えることは、できるだけ早く、特に学校生活が始まる前に(習い事に費やせる時間が十分あるうちに)外国語をスタートさせる、そしてできるだけ続けさせる(もちろん時間もお金もかかりますが、子どもの脳にしっかり定着しなければその言語を使う力はすぐに衰えてしまいます)、ということです。 このことからも、「幼稚園に行く前に2年もやっていたから大丈夫」というような考えは間違っていることが分かると思います。
何年も子どもたちを見ていて分かったことですが、子どもはある年齢に達すると、文字で書かれた言葉を読み取り理解するようになります。3~4歳で文字や短い単語を認識するようになり、5歳になるまでには長い単語を認識して読み始める(強制的に読まされて読むのではなく、ちゃんと理解して読む)ようになります。 そして、6~7歳までには、サポートされながらも上手に読めるようになって自分で単語を発することができるようになります。8~9歳では、ほとんどのことが読めるようになります。ですので、外国語の音声に慣れてからアルファベットを習うべきだという文科省の考えは正しいと言えます。しかし、3歳以前に始めたほうがいいと、私はこれまで自分が見てきた経験から思います。英語ができるようになるまで、週1回50分(大体の学校の平均)、英語オンリーの環境で8~9年かかるのであれば、小学校3年生から始めると…想像してみてください。これが、日本が2020年から導入しようとしていることです。
English path article この記事の著者も、そういった考えは間違ってはいないと述べています。“R” と “L” の音の違いが聞き取れなくても、リスニングテストで合格点を取れる、とも。もう一つ別の視点も取り上げられています。外国語を習うよりもまず母国語が確立させる方が大切だという意見もありますが、韓国での例を見ると、小学校3年生から英語学習が導入されていても母国語である韓国語への弊害はないことが分かっているそうです。
Immigrants' spouses 'must speak English before entering UK'
Little Lorikeets では、今少し興味深い現象が起きています。私達が当スクールを開校した頃から通い始めてくれている子どもたちなのですが、年中や年長から英語を習い始めてほとんどのことを理解しているものの、私と他の講師が話す「本当の(ネイティブの)会話」を聞く際、かなり集中して聞かないと会話についていけないようです。一方で、赤ちゃんの頃から通い続けて現在年少の子どもたちは、私たちの話すスピードで理解できています。それは本当に素晴らしいことで、私がずっとお伝えしてきたことが証明されていると言えるでしょう。
Honda makes English official in 2020
ヒル キャメロン リトルロリーキート英語教室
翻訳者 北村敦子

I don't know why Japanese can't get the “R” “L” sounds down, even after being corrected numerous times they resort back to the wrong accent.
One reason could actually be because of Romaji, and the fact that it is taught before actually formal English classes start at primary school.
As you can see from the above image “ra” “ri” etc is directly below “ら” “り” etc..
This is Just reinforcing the Japanese “ら 行” accent while associating it to the character “R” so that when ever some one sees a “R” they pronounce it with what we foreigners from English speaking countries hear as “L”.
It is a shame that Romaji is taught first at 3rd grade before formal English start's in 5 grade. This is one of the reasons I believe that starting earlier is better, so that children can get the proper accent developed long before that, also their hearing is developed too. Imagine a 1st grader having no English education all of a sudden wanting to start English, already they are at a disadvantage because the katakana accents is well developed, but not only that only after 2 years of English they start learning Romaji.
From what it seems like according to this article they don't want to overburden the children with foreign characters, and that the child should start with communication based English such as speaking and listening, I do agree with this point but as for not learning alphabet but teaching Roman characters in the form of Romaji is backwards..
Look at the above image to where “ SIRO” is, this is another example of causing problems later on .. people learning “SI” instead of “ Shi” are going to be confused when they think their name should be “Shimon” but every body in an English speaking country will be calling them “Simon”.
Maybe this is the one reason Romaji is taught, so that the child can Spell their names in Roman characters.
Look at the picture of the ship, the romaji word written there is “hune” but to my English ears when Japanese say “ふね” it sounds like an “F” to me not an “H”.
I can see where Romaji can be useful for foreigners in their guide books but that's about it and with this newest form of Romaji I can see even more confusion when English speaking foreigners use it.
Anyway, I can't change the established system, that knows it's right. So what can I do!?
I can say this, get into a foreign language as soon as possible especially while the child is not in the school system(they have more time to do extra curricular Activities), continue with that language ( yes it takes time and money but unless the language is really formulated in the child's brain they will lose their ability to use it really fast. This is why thinking ‘oh they did it for 2 years before kindergarten’,is the wrong thinking).
I have seen over the years that children do pick up and comprehend written language at certain ages, 3 - 4 years old they can recognise characters, and short words, by 5 years they notice longer words and start reading (with understanding , not forced learning) by 6-7 they are reading fairly well with help and can sound out words by themselves . 8-9 they can read most things. So what the ministry of education says is true to a point, the children should know the foreign sounds before they learn the alphabet, but based on my observations that means starting well before the age of three. If it takes 8 -9 years to get good at English and that is in an English only environment and more than once a week for 50min ( which most schools offer) imagine them starting at 3rd grade. Which is what they are intending on doing in Japan from 2020.
Some might think daily conversation is fine, it will get me the marks for my university entry exam...
English path article this author seems to think that kind of thinking is ok. He says even without being able to hear the “R” and “L” sounds the examinee will still be able to get a pass mark on their listening portion. One thing he does mention is some people think that getting the mother tongue established is more important than learning another language, but he points out that in Korea; who have been doing English in school from 3rd grade; haven’t noticed any notable problems in Korea's Native language.
But in reference to the aforementioned point, I disagree about just learning English to pass an entrance exam, that's not the point of learning the language.
This article in the link below high lights that now countries are starting to demand proficiency in English before a Visa is accepted.
Immigrants' spouses 'must speak English before entering UK'
In the past you were able to gain proficiency in the country for 2 years before you were assessed it is something to think about.
I'm right now in an interesting predicament, in Little Lorikeets we have older students who started when we first opened and are very good at English but started learning English at nenchu , nencho level and though they understand most things, when they encounter a real conversation between myself and another teacher they have to listen very hard to keep up, whereas the children that were babies when they started and are now at nensho level can understand what we are saying at speed.
Honda makes English official in 2020
Which is great because it's proving my point and as companies such as Honda, Rakuten, P&G have made it or are making English the official language of the workplace for communications, meeting etc and it is essential to know.
So the more chance you give your child when they are young to become bilingual the better opportunities they will have when they are adults.
Cameron Hill Little Lorikeets owner
Translator: Atsuko Kitamura