今年に入ってから、Colin と私は、週に数回来ている子ども達と週に一回しか来ていない子ども達の中で大きな違いがあることに気付き始めています。
1. 若ければ若いほうがいい、2. 英語を使う時間が多ければ多いほうがいい、3. 日本語は話さない ( この辺りの地域で、インターナショナルスクールと言いながらも学校内で日本語がたくさん使われているという噂を耳にしたことがあります)
今年度から、週3回のG2キッズ 2時間コース、週5日のプリスクール、そして水曜日の kookaburra クラスがスタートして、週に2回以上来てくれている子ども達に大きな変化を見出だしています。このような子ども達は、英語に自信を持っていることが見て分かりますし、お互いに英語で会話しようとしています。彼らの語彙は定着するのが速く、また定着する単語の数も増えています。教えられた言葉を繰り返す能力も素晴らしいですし、読みの力も急速にレベルアップしています。この他にもたくさんの効果を見てきています。
ですので、100%英語で過ごすことは非常に効果的であると言えます。 もし、お子さんの英語力において大きな成長を見たいと思われるなら、スケジュール上可能であるならば英語のクラスを増やしたり、家でも英語で遊ぶ時間(映画を観る、テレビを見る、音楽を聞くなど)をもっと増やすことを考えてみてください。
ヒル キャメロンより
This year Colin and myself have been noticing a difference in the children who come multiple times a week compared to the children who only come once a week.
Of course there are many considerations in the amount of time you allocate to English and one time a week is better than none at all, but at this school we are concerned with making bilingual children, not children who will become adults and only be able to have short conversations that only concern everyday things ie my name is….. I and I'm,,,, years old. I like hamburgers, and this is a pen. etc etc….
My main point of view hasn't changed 1. the younger the better and 2nd the more time in English the better. 3. no Japanese,( I've heard rumours of other schools in this area saying they are international schools but yet they still use lots of Japanese)
This year with the commencement of the 2 hour three times a week for G2 kids classes and the 5 day a week Preschool and also the introduction of the kookaburra class on Wednesdays, we are seeing a big difference in the kids who come 2 or more times a week. Those children are showing more confidence with English and are even trying to make conversation with each other, their vocabulary retention is increasing rapidly, the ability to re-say the sentence that is being taught is incredible. Their reading levels are rapidly leveling up (graded reading), and there are many other effects that we have noticed.
So the amount of time they are in a 100% English only, has a big effect.
so if you want to see great improvements in your child's English abilities think about adding more English classes if possible to their schedule, or playing more English based movies / programs / music at home.
On another note, over the years we hear from mums “we ask our kids after English what did you do and the child responds with,,, , , I don't know, I had fun “. . . Truly it doesn't matter what subject the child is doing whether it's kokugo, or mathematics, , dance or gymnastics the child is going to respond this way. We know this with our own kids,,, , , “how was school?” “good”. “what did you do?”,,, “umm I don't know”
At the end of the day I think it's better not to enquire directly and just listen and see if the child decides to use some English here and there, ask questions like “what's this in English? “ or “ how do you say……… , in English? “ and see what comes out of the child's mouth. . . this will give the child confidence, and they will want to use English more and also because they are being reinforced at home when they come to school they will be more willing to learn more and more English to impress mum and dad.
There are lots of things to take into consideration but these are a few of the things I've noticed over the years…
Cameron Hill school principal