夏 のクリスマスであるオーストラリアの話をして、サーフィンに乗ってサンタさんがくる!!という話し&写真にみんな大盛り上がり~人気者のサンタさ んのこと。最後の質問タイムにはサンタさんについての質問多!!最後はみんなの夢をこわさないように、一生懸命(笑)話を作りました(^^)
Today I went to a Kindergarten to talk about Australia, the wild life the natural phenomenon, It was a great time and I had the kids and teachers laughing heaps . Seeing in scenes from Australia and the animals that inhabit Australia gave the kids a bigger perspective. Even the principal of the school said at the start does he look like a Japanese ,,, no well that’s because he's from another country and we should learn as much as possible about other countries
I taught them that Santa comes in summer in Australia and rides a surf board, that created a whole can of worms for me and in the question time I got bombarded with questions about Santa and i ended up having to make up reasons as to why Santa comes on a surf board and where are his reindeer while he's doing this. After they got over the initial shock the kids started asking other questions too ..
Afterwards the principle praised my showman ship and skill and said that not many teachers that she has seen over the years had my ability
Cameron Hill 教室のオーナー