

今週 水曜日のマンチキンクラスで、驚かされたことがありました。小さい子どもたちの外国語を聞き取るスピードの速さです。マンチキンから始めた新しい生徒さんたちも数名いてるのですが、始めて数ヶ月で既に英語を聞き取っています。




例えば、こんな例があります。お絵かきと工作の時間に、一人の女の子と一緒にお絵かきをしていたのですが、その子が「アンパンマン」と言ったのです。何を言おうとしているのか分かっていたので、”draw Anpanman for me, please”(アンパンマン描いて)と私は英語で言って、期待して反応を待ちました。すると、嬉しいことに、ためらうことなく完璧なアクセントで全文を繰り返したのです!







ヒル キャメロン


This week Wednesday in our Munchkin class I was amazed at the speed that young children pick up another language. we have some new students that have started at Munchkin level and are already picking up English after a few months.

But what really gets me excited is the children that have started in Babyland or in Happy Toddler classes, their English abilities are amazing there understanding is superb they hear what we say and can follow the instructions without confusion.

Also they can repeat without hesitation what we say and then use it straight away that's a sign of being Bilingual. For example I was working with a girl at in our colouring and craft time and she said “ Anpanman”, now I knew what she wanted so I said  “ draw Anpanman for me please” and I waited expectantly for her to respond and to my delight she repeated the whole sentence without hesitation and with a perfect accent. There are many other examples but this illustrates why starting as soon as possible is really important.

 It really makes me happy to see such results in the children because I am seeing that what we are doing is worthwhile.

That's why I really hope that more and more mums and babies, mums and toddlers join our little  community and enjoy the benefits of becoming bilingual.


Cameron Hill   英語教室オーナー