Happy to Munchkin testimonial

Little Lorikeets: Happy toddler > Munchkin

娘は昨年夏よりハッピートドラーからスタートして、半年後の今年の春よりマンチキンでお世話になっています。彼女はマンチキンクラスをとても楽しんでいて、以前よりもっと英語を話すようになっています。彼女は学校に行くのをとても楽しみにしていて、お絵描きや絵本、ダンスの時間が楽しいと話しています。ハッピートドラーから始めたので、マンチキンにも早く慣れることができました。先生がいつもおっしゃる様に、英語を始めるのは出来る限り早い方がいいですね。確かに日本では、英語を話したり、ネーティブイングリッシュを聞いたりする機会を得るのは難しいです。なので、Little Lorikeets に通うことは娘にとっても私にとっても、英語を使う一つのモチベーションになってます。また、先生は私達に、学校だけでなく家でも英語を話す事が大切だと教えて下さいました。幼少期の過ごし方は、子供達の長い人生において大切だなぁと、改めて感じています。
 My daughter has started Happy toddler from the last summer and enjoys it immensely,  a half year later she starts the  Munchkin class  from this spring. She really really enjoys  the Munchkin class.
Now she speaks English lots more than before. She looks forward to going to the school. She said she enjoys the time in the class when they do  colouring, reading and dancing. I think she got use to participating  in Munchkin so easily  because she started from the Happy toddler class.  Like the instructor always says ,it's good to start English as early as possible if we can. It's true that it's difficult to have the opportunity to speak and hear native English in Japan so it's one of my motivations to use English with her  when we go to the Little Lorikeets classes .
 Also the instructors taught us that it's very important to use English not only in the school but also at home. I really think that it's important for her to spend  as much time in English in childhood as possible which she will be able to use through out her long life.

Thanks for another great testimonial, this time from a mum who's child has gone from Happy Toddler to the more intensive Munchkin class and how happy she is that her child is speaking more and more English around the house.



