改名★Little Lorikeets

little lorikeets


スクール名は・・・☆Little Lorikeets☆リトル ロリーキート☆








もちろん親子レッスンやアフタースクール・グループレッスンやEnglish Play Timeも続けていきます。元気な子ども達に会えるのを毎日楽しみにしています。


他の理由としては、「CAN International」という名前は世界中にたくさんあり、検索するとたくさん大きなカンパニーが出てきます。



これからも私たちはみなさんとの出会いを大切に!英語って楽しい!!Little Lorikeetsに行きたい!!と思ってもらえるような素敵なスクールを目指して頑張っていきますので、これからもよろしくお願い致します(^^)


Email: info@littlelorikeets.com


Name Change Little Lorikeets

Hello everyone, Now don't worry we haven't sold the business haha the owner is still Cameron

we have decided to change the name for a few reasons, at first we wanted a cute name but decided to go with CAN International and though we have had great success we want to have a cuter name and some thing more appropriate to the direction we want to go which is the preschool and also to have a connection to Australia. The Rainbow Lorikeet is a bird found in Australia


Another reason for the name change is when you search for the name CAN International a lot of companies pop up from around the world lots and lots , of course if you add Preschool our school pops up and for now thats is fine but in the future if we decide to have another school in another area a more original name is going to be more appropriate and allow our potential students to find us faster.

We hope that getting use to the new name will be fast for every one