【Cafe OPEN time】Mon-Fri
土日・祝日休み . カレンダー通り
6:00~9:45の間の都合のいい時間にCome in!!
¥500/60min + ¥Cafe Menu(¥50~)
¥250/30min + ¥Cafe Menu(¥50~)
☆4000円チケット=60min × 8times/1ヶ月
30min × 16times/1ヶ月
☆2500円チケット=60min × 4times/1ヶ月
30min × 8times/1ヶ月
※※※ チケットを購入されない1回参加もできます ※※※
1回=700円(60min) + ¥Cafe Menu(¥50~)
300円(30min) + ¥Cafe Menu(¥50~)
1ヶ月一度もご来店がない場合、とっても勉強になるとご好評の「Coffee Phrases」の配信は停止致しますので、ご注意ください!!!ご来店お待ち致しております!!
Coffee Phrases
* you pay to much
* apply
* details, financial records
* pay
* he looks after the taxes
* audit
* p.m 2.5 particulate matter
* pile; pile of rubbish
* after the training day
* they are working in different sections
* by my self
* BYO bring your own
* for the first time
* a friend of mine / my friend
* acquaintance
* associate
* i don't know what time it was
* so much for ....... i.e So much for the rainy season
So much for that french restaurant
( used when you don't think something was that good )
* half arsed, half baked ( a job half done)
* straightened; i get my hair straightened
* clippers
Have a good weekend :-)