coffee time

coffee time

Coffee Time [Kɔːfi Táim]
*my suits get worn out 
*soft opening 
*lucky you 
*off on the narrow roads are lots of good restaurants that do yummy food
*with sushi I'm not very adventurous 
*have you been to the grand front in Osaka 
*sometimes they have lunch bought for them 
*check for allergies 
*he's allergic to eggs and milk 
*he hasn't been for a test since he's was___years old 
*we can see the results today 
*traffic lights,  the Green Man and red man 
*politicians: he use to lecture politicians on health and positive thinking 
*up /down  do you want to come up,  do you want to go down (used for when a child wants to be carried by you) 
*philosophy,  philosopher 
*he studied on Indian for 2 years near the himalayas 
*there was a long line waiting to buy the..........